Posts with the Podcast tag

Automators Max Podcast Artwork

Automators 97: Automating Rosemary Orchard

This week on Automators I turned into a robot! Just kidding, but David and I took a deep dive into how I do a lot of the nerdy things I’m up to every day.

As well as diving into a whole bunch of geeky awesomeness, we also launched Automators Max which is part of the Relay FM membership program. As well as ad free episodes of Automators and a members only after show (this time it’s about me hacking some door sensors), you’ll also get access to the Relay FM member’s only Discord server, access to Crossover with member’s only Relay FM special episodes, exclusive wallpapers, and more.

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Automators Podcast Artwork

Automators 43: Capture and Review

In this episode of Autmators, David and I took a headlong plunge into automating our capture and review processes. As we mentioned on the show, automated capture is a double-edged sword - capturing too much can lead to overwhelm, but I also find automated capture to be a problem solver as then I don’t have to do the actual capturing myself, something that could be dangerous!

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Automators Podcast Artwork

Automators 39: Automating iBeacons

On this week’s episode of Automators, David and I dove into the wonderful world of iBeacons! We explored our uses for these handy location triggers including taking them on the road with us. As well as this, we looked at which iBeacons really work for us, and what apps give you the most benefit.

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Automators Podcast Artwork

Automators 37: Mac Maintenance & Management Magic

In episode 37 of Automators David and I got our enchanted brooms ready and went to town on maintaining and managing your Mac. We did our best to get out all the cobwebs and find a way to automate all of this, while there may not be a robot vacuum for your Mac, there are plenty of tools you can use to make the magic happen automatically - good whether it’s your system or one you end up managing because the owner relies on you to do it!

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Automators Podcast Artwork

Automators 33: Packing List Extravaganza in Drafts

It’s no secret that I love to travel - and I also love to be organized! Making a packing list is great fun, until you forget something so in this episode of Automators David and I decided to find as many ways as we could to solve the problem of creating a packing list. Naturally our techniques overlapped in a few places, but we still came up with a variety of solutions - which you can use to solve other problems too.

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Nested Folders Podcast Artwork

Nested Folders 5: How We Weekly Review

In episode 5 of Nested Folders Scotty and I dived into our weekly review routines. It was also good to review traps we’ve both previously fallen into with our reviews - I’ve been considering making a printed list of how I do my weekly review and if I do so I’m also going to make a list of “not to do” on it - as a reminder of those lessons that I’ve learned over the years!

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Automators Podcast Artwork

Automators 29: The Dark Dungeon with Adam Tow

In episode 29 of Automators we got to talk to Adam Tow - creator of awesome automations. I met Adam at the Automators WWDC meet up this year and he demoed some of his wonderful shortcuts for me. I’ve seen them before and even tried them out, but once I saw Adam demoing them David and I knew we had to get him on the show to share how this all works!

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Nested Folders Podcast Artwork

Introducing Nested Folders, a Productivity Podcast

Today I’m launching a new podcast called Nested Folders with a friend of mine Scotty Jackson. Scotty and I met when we started testing early versions of OmniFocus 3 together, I believe our first real encounter was me helping him replicate a bug report so he could nail down the steps to email in. (Coincidentally this is also where I met Ryan Dotson who I ended up writing Build Your OmniFocus Workflow with - who would have guessed that people eager to do an early beta test of OmniFocus would also be good people to make productivity related content with?!)

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Automators Podcast Artwork

Pushcut: Smart Notifications Kick Off Your Shortcuts

As I’ve talked about on Automators before, I have used Zapier to send notifications to my iPhone which trigger Shortcuts - this means that I can have a series of automated actions happen and follow it up with something I need to manually do. I’ve been using PushBullet and Pushover to do this - I’ve tried both and they’re both good, but they’re designed for notifications and the URLs triggering automations is not something it was designed to do. Additionally PushBullet still hasn’t been updated for the iPhone X(s) screen format. Pushover has been updated more recently, but it still doesn’t quite match up with what Pushcut can do as a dedicated app.

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Supercomputer 27: Into the Weeds

This week I got to join Alex Cox and Matthew Cassinelli on Supercomputer where we got into the weeds of automation, especially on how I use Drafts. We also looked at using AirTable and Zapier and some of the many possibilities available to us with these amazing tools.

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Automators Podcast Artwork

Automators 18: Terminal Automation with John Siracusa

On episode 18 of Automators David and I interviewed John Siracusa, web developer, Perl fan, and former reviewer of Mac OS X (as it was then) for Ars Technica. John was a wonderful guest on the show - we talked about what automation he does, and doesn’t do - as well as the how and the why! Like many of our listeners John is very much a Mac first user - I hope you enjoy the show!

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Automators Podcast Artwork

Automators 1: Automating Calendar Events

This week’s episodes of The Automators is focused on calendar event creation. There are many ways you can automatically create calendar events, and it’s useful to be able to do so, to avoid losing information. You can also use calendar events as a trigger to do something - which we cover towards the end. Below there are details of all the automations we cover, including 4 (really, four!) screencasts.

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